Grace Gardens Hospital Ndop was conceived in response to the cries of the local population for a permanent health unit that can meet the health care needs of the people after savoring the periodic annual outreach medical mission by Faith Gardens Medical Foundation International USA to the communities of Ngoketunjia division of the North West Region of Cameroon. The population appreciated the quality of services, effectiveness of drugs in handling their health issues, the cost of the drugs and medical supplies and the education and counseling they received that served as an eye opener to a better health status and life. Grace Gardens Hospital Ndop obtained authorizations for creation in August 2018 and authorization to start functioning in December 2018; but effectively started functioning on the 26th of November 2019 due the crisis in the North West and South West Regions. The Primary Care Center has 15 beds, employing 23 employees plus a fulltime primary care doctor. The hospital provides quality, affordable care to about 400 patients per month, conducting an average of 500 test per month. The management is progressively introducing various units, services and equipment as the need arises.


This health institution will help meet the demands for pediatric care and adult care in this area of Cameroon by providing essential treatment resources for HIV/AIDS, malaria, heart disease, cancer, stroke, obstetrics, major trauma and several other conditions, providing preventive and episodic care, emergency care, surgery, intensive care, rehabilitation, mental care, chronic disease maintenance, and end-of-life care, and spiritual healing and restoration of life through Jesus Christ.


The providers will focus on diagnosing and treating conditions of patients of all ages while emphasizing preventative medicine and the overall health and wellness of the patients. The institution will utilize new equipment and a trained staff that will be able to optimize the care of each patient. The medical staff understands that there are many factors that can affect health, including exercise, diet, spiritual and mental, environment and heredity.


Coming soon

Our Medical/Clinical staff and Support Staff are made up of experienced and licensed certified practitioners.

Dr. Samuel K. Ndinjiakat


Dr. Yongbang Valery Yuh

Lead Medical Doctor

Dr. Bambo Emmanuel

Medical Director

Mr. Ndinyanka Ndiforkong Ouzerou



Ms. Emelda Ndinjiakat, Ms. Marilyn Simo, Mr. Fidelis Simo
Nursing Supervisor

Mr. George Teboh

Chief Clinical Administrator
Emelda Ndinjiakat, RN

Emelda Ndinjiakat, RN

Board of Director In charge of Nursing


Coming soon

Get in Touch

Our Contacts in the USA and In Cameroon

Find us at the office

Coming soon

Give us a ring

  1. USA Contact: Dr. Samuel K. Ndinjiakat 
    Mon - SAT, 8:00-22:00
  2. Cameroon Contact: Mr. Ouzerou Ndinyanka, 237 671061601 or 237 672140711
  3. Email: gracegardenshospital@gmail.com, and info@gracegardenshospital.com
